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Health benefits of Areca nuts

Areca nut has been highly recommended for removing tapeworms and other intestinal worms and chewing this nut along with betel leaf, serves a natural mouth freshener and a laxative. It is also considered a strong digestive stimulant, diuretic, for strengthening heart muscles and regulating menstrual flow.
Health benefits of Areca nuts

Areca nut has been highly recommended for removing tapeworms and other intestinal worms and chewing this nut along with betel leaf, serves a natural mouth freshener and a laxative. It is also considered a strong digestive stimulant, diuretic, for strengthening heart muscles and regulating menstrual flow.

Areca Nut/Betel Nut: Types, Benefits As Per Ayurveda and Side Effects

  • Areca nut, also known as betel nut, is the seed of the Areca Palm tree (Areca catechu).

  • It is native to India and holds cultural significance in Indian traditions.

  • In India, it is commonly referred to as "supari."

  • The word "areca" is derived from languages like Kannada, Malayalam, and Tamil.

  • Portuguese sailors introduced the nut to European countries.

  • Areca nut plays a vital role in customs and traditions, such as weddings, housewarmings, and festivals like golu.

  • Hindus include offering Areca nut to gods during religious rituals.

  • It is often offered to guests after meals and used as a pastime.

  • Areca nut has an intense flavor and a hard texture.

  • The nut is commercially available in fresh, cured, and dried forms.

  • In Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, Areca nut is used for its medicinal properties.

What Are The Components in Areca Nut?

  • Areca nuts contain tannins arecatannin and gallic acid.

  • They also contain negligible amounts of terpineol, lignin, and alkaloids including arecoline, arecaidine, and guvacine.

  • Areca nuts are loaded with vasoconstricting properties.

  • When chewed with betel leaf, these nuts produce eugenol, a vasoconstrictor.

  • Eugenol stimulates a warm sensation, elevates alertness, and triggers an instant happy mood.

Areca Nut In Traditional Medicine

  • Areca nut has been used in traditional medicine, including Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicines, for centuries.

  • Ayurveda describes the taste of areca nut as a mix of astringent (Kashaya) and sweet (madhura), with a dry or ruksha nature, and cold potency, which transforms into a pungent taste during digestion.

  • Areca nut possesses potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antiulcer, and neuroprotective properties.

  • According to Ayurveda, areca nut plays a pivotal role in balancing pitta and kapha doshas, and it stimulates digestion.

  • It is recommended for removing tapeworms and other intestinal worms. Chewing areca nut with betel leaf serves as a natural mouth freshener and laxative.

  • Areca nut is considered a strong digestive stimulant and diuretic. It can also help in strengthening heart muscles and regulating menstrual flow.

Types of Areca Nut:

There are many varieties of betel nut based on the processing techniques. White areca nut is prepared by harvesting fully ripe acrea nut and drying it under for two months. The shells on the nuts are then removed and it is known as supari. The red supari is made by harvesting green areca nut, husking and boiling it in hot water. The final product is known as Chikni supari.

Benefits of Areca Nut:

There is a lot of scientific research that is currently going on to establish the medicinal and therapeutic properties of betel nut. However, it is an undeniable fact that this nut can cause severe adverse side effects, if not used in moderation. The below are few home remedies or uses of areca nut.

  • Boil betel nuts in hot water, let it cool down and gargle the concoction to beat mouth ulcers and for instant relief from bleeding gums

  • Sipping on betel nut decoction flushes out tapeworms and other intestinal parasites in the gut

  • Mix areca nut powder with sesame oil and apply it on the wounds for pain relief in joints

  • Brush teeth with betel nut powder for removing dental plaque and for whitening teeth naturally

  • Consume 10 to 15 ml of areca nut decoction for regularizing periods and for relief from menstrual cramps

  • Intake of betel nut powder mixed with 1 tsp of lime juice stimulates appetite and alleviates nausea

Side Effects of Areca Nut:

  • Nibbling on supari or areca nut occasionally is fine, but it should not turn into an addiction.

  • Regular chewing of betel nut can lead to increased heart rate and blood pressure.

  • Excessive consumption can interfere with cognitive functions, causing issues with focus and memory.

  • Research publications indicate that continuous chewing of betel nut is associated with a higher risk of oral cancer, colon cancer, hyperlipidemia, and irregular heartbeats.


Areca nut or betel nut or supari is an integral part of Indian culture and is a must-have in festivals, function, of course an offering to the God. Native to India, Areca nut exhibits various therapeutic properties. According to Ayurveda, it balances the Kapha, pitta doshas and it serves a natural mouth freshener, cleanses gut from tapeworms, parasites and clear dental plaque.

However, take this nut in moderation as its excessive intake can cause cancer, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

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